It’s premier time. Chris Evans is among a list of A-celeb cast for the new movie, The Gray Man. What’s the movie about? When the CIA’s top asset — his identity known to no one — uncovers agency secrets, he triggers a global hunt by assassins set loose by his ex-colleague.
Chis Evan is crushing the sunglasses game with showing up with a pair of Ray-Ban RB3447 Lennon style to the premier of the movie. It will be out in Netflix July 15th or July 22nd.
What a great look to get. This is personally one of my favorite shades in the game as they are just a plain classic that goes great with a casual look or more formal.

On a budget? We got you. We know it can be hard to drop $100+ on a pair, so…I would still strongly suggest getting that pair of Ray-Ban in your collection since they will NEVER go out of style and a worthy expense.
If you’re just looking for a fast fashion pair to get the look…here you go, a pair you can rock for UNDER $20.