We got a request to review this FAQ. War Dogs is actually one of my favorite movies, and it’s actually trending on Netflix again. It’s a classic movie – the fact that it’s a true story just makes it that much better.
If you haven’t seen War Dogs, I STRONGLY recommend you watch this great film with Jonah Hill and Miles Teller. One of the stand out part of the film is the fact that Jonah wears great sunglasses and thats what we’re here to show you! Let’s go!
What Sunglasses Does Jonah Hill Wear In War Dogs? There’s two pairs that stand out throughout the film.

The first is the Gucci 1622/S aviator style vintage sunglasses. Unfortunately, Gucci discontinued this style but, rest assured, you can still get the look.

Let’s take a look at the Carrera sunglasses worn by Jonah Hill…(Efraim Devaroli)

Carrera Safari *we’re not sure this is an exact match but close enough to get you the look and style.